May has arrived and so have the warmer temperatures. Change has come quickly here in Latvia. One week we had snow showers and the next it was short sleeve weather. The past weeks have been sunny and warm (by Latvian standards). It is amazing how good it feels to be able to go out without a coat, hat and mittens! It is such a free feeling. And the sunshine! Wow! Does it ever feel good on my face!
In April we went to Berlin for Landon's 40th birthday. We went to a Berlin Thunder game! It was lots of fun. We wanted the kids to get the experience of watching an American football game. Ben's first, and most memorable, comment was, "I can't wait to see the cheerleaders' pom poms!" He saw them and I believe enjoyed the game as well. Laura was a fan of the dancers and took to dancing in her seat! The Berlin fans are the loudest fans I have ever experienced. All in all, it was a wonderful weekend.
Landon and the kids at the Berlin Zoo. The Berlin Zoo is one of the best zoos in the world. We were amazed at so many things! It is like a park in the middle of the city! Oh! Wait a minute! It is a park in the middle of the city!
Ma and Pa Taylor
On May 4th we went to a rocky beach near the Estonian border to look for rocks with holes in them. I know this sounds strange, but it was really a fun experience. Latvian tradition says the first rock you find with a hole in it is your lucky charm. I found one very quickly. Later I found prettier ones, but held on to the not so pretty one since it was lucky!
Ben does the same thing every time we take him to a beach--he digs down into the sand looking for water. He did this when he was four years old at a beach here in Latvia and he was so fascinated with what he found, he does it every time!
Laura is usually busy transporting water from the sea to the sand. She can do this over and over without getting bored! She too loves the sea.May 5th began the World Hockey Championships here in Riga! It is an exciting time to be here. There are many tourists in town and everyone is talking about hockey! The Latvian hockey fans are some of the most faithful fans in the world. Recently Latvia played Canada and were being squished! The Latvian were as loud as ever in the arena, but the noise was not enough. They began throwing coins and trash onto the ice. At the end of the game, many threw their shoes onto the ice to express their displeasure! Many Latvians were spotted walking home with only one shoe on!
On Mother's Day we will have the chance to meet the USA Hockey team. The kids are very excited about that. Laura stated. "I have never met a real hockey player before!" Ben just thinks the idea is "Awesome!"
Our time in Latvia is nearly over. We have lots of feelings about leaving and I will share them with you in another blog. We are looking forward to our time in Ukraine and all the challenges we will face. The kids are excited about going back to Ukraine and getting reacquainted with it.
Have a blessed day! Keep in touch!