Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy New Year

In some world cultures, you say Happy New Year to anyone you haven't seen yet that year--no matter when you meet them! So I say to you, Happy New Year.

It has been a hectic, busy, and exciting time in Riga lately. Too much happening to tell now. I will ask that you pray for me as I am heading to London for a job interview. I hope to teach in Kiev.

Let me also update you on my dad. He has finished his radiation treatments and has one more round of chemo next week. Some time after that, they will do a CAT scan and determine if the treatments worked. It has been very difficult for both of my parents and I am grateful that it is nearly over. I don't know what will happen if the treatments were unsuccessful, but I know we will manage to get throught it! Please keep your prayers coming for them.

I will make an effort to update more regularly!

Keep smiling and praying!