YIPEE!!! We are free for the summer! It was a long and interesting year, but it is now history! Laura and Ben survived the year and are much better students! Both kids made tremendous improvements in their academics. We are proud of both of them. Laura will be in grade 5 next year and Ben will be in grade 4.
I will still be Special Needs Coordinator and on top of that Primary Years (PYP) Coordinator! I don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to be PYP Coordinator! I have two great examples to follow. Stan, the coordinator from my previous school, ISL and Tasha, the outgoing coordinator from my current school! I leave Saturday for Bucharest, Romania. There I will sit in a sweltering school and learn how to be a good coordinator!
I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing summer. Stay cool and drink lots of water!
Until later,