Chernobyl Museum
The town of Chernobyl no longer exists
The people in the 74 towns and villages were evacuated on May 3, 1986. The people were told to take food and clothes for three days as well as documents. The were told they would return home in three days, so only take the essentials. More than 22 years later, the people still haven't returned home.
Walking through the museum was pretty amazing. In the west we got so little of the information that is now in the museum. It still amazes me that the leaders did not understand the impact of their lack of action on the citizens of the world.
The museum is full of pictures of people who were out walking around, going to school on April 26 and 27 as if nothing happened. Because the people were not scientists they were not aware of the dangers of the Chernobyl plant. They trusted their leaders. The saddest thing I saw was a video of children playing on a playground in the town of Chernobyl and you could see the plant in the background. Those children were exposed to radiation unnecessarily.