Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Start of School

Well, year four at the International School of Latvia has begun. This is my final year teaching at this school as we are moving on the Kiev, Ukraine next summer. This year, Laura is in my class. It is a very small class. There are five boys and two girls. I am thrilled to have Laura in my class and be able to spend some quality time with her on a daily basis, but having such a small class is very painful. Laura is one of the outgoing children. There are three other outgoing students. They keep me sane (while driving me insane)! The other three are very quiet. I asked if they had pulses because the first two days they hardly spoke. I guess in a couple of months, that will all change and I won't be able to keep them quiet.

Summer can't decide if it is going to stay or go. This week we have had temperatures in the high 70's--which is warm for us. It had been very cold and rainy. We welcome the sun but not the heat. A friend was going to the beach this afternoon because " you never know how many nice days we have left."

Speaking of friends, this school year seems to be the first where most of the staff are so friendly to one another. There seems to be a real camaraderie on staff. That makes all the difference in the world when you have to be with the same people day in and day out.

It is somebody's birthday today and I can't remember who!


Christina said...

Christina, you are awesome! What a wonderful idea to blog. You are such a creative woman! You're parents must be proud!

Anonymous said...

I agree you are creative!!!

Will you have YOUR kids in YOUR class when you move? Do they speak english where you are and will they speak english when you move??

Susie Cummins